358 winchester load data. 595"; maximum COAL: 2.
358 winchester load data 0 Hodgdon BL-C(2) Winchester CCI 250 43. 358 neck’ and seating dies; the latter being useful for a host of . 358-inch bullets. The figures at 100 yards are 2,210 fps and 2,160 ft. 0 2050 44. Load Data / Description This page has been terminated. com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ Took a doe at 45 yds with my old 225 SGK load using H4895 on Saturday. Your very lucky to have that,i would like a 99 also but they are too much . 358" Powder: IMR 4895 (Improved Military Rifle) Starting Powder: Max Powder: 43. 358 | 200gr | Winchester Silvertip bullet. R. Be thoroughly familiar with those instructions before using these loads. About XXL. 358" bullets: 200 GR Hornady FTX or SP - COAL: 2. Thread: . WIN Winchester; Primers. Pistol . 0 gr . 57 gr. 358 Winchester (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 72 loads. 3 x 66 Sako; 9. com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ This is what I got from Ramshot via email: For the 358 Winchester we suggest the following: Caliber: . cartridges and specifications for cases and loads in this caliber. 0grains (2300 2400 Fps) LD ca 106%. 358 Winchester in a Mannlicher-Schoenauer / . Compare bullet weight, powder, primer, case trim, and velocity for different recipes and sources. 358 Winchester in a 22-inch Ruger model 77R reloading data with 67 loads. shootersreference. Expanding that to the 358 Win gives 2807 fps, exceeding Barsness's 358 Win 200 Barnes TSX load fueled w/ 52. Bullet weight: 180 grains. 3 x 74 R Printed from Shooter's Reference on 02/02/2025: https://www. 005" Cartridge Overall Length: 2. Warning; Manufacturer Loading Data <NEW> List of Cartridges by Powder; Cartrige Powder Recommendations; Powder Burn Rate Chart; . It didn't cut and paste well, loads listed are starting load with Bullet Weight (Gr. 358 Winchester reloading data with 7 loads. 358 Winchester. Barrel length: 24 Powder: Ramshot TAC . 358 Winchester about a 200 yard big game cartridge. 8 mm Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders. Using bullets from Hornady Spire Point, Nosler Partition, Sierra, Speer spitzer. 380 ACP) 9 x 21. 238 Winchester in an M-S: Warning! Notes: All loads tested in Mannlicher-Schoenauer carbine with 20" barrel and Lyman Alaskan 2 1/2X scope. com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ 358 Winchester 2506 2476 2474 2455 2231 2209 START CHARGE WARNING: Improper handloading practices can result in serious personal injury and/or property damage. Over the pond, the . Bang, flop, pass through--quartering to, in the neck, out the chest, took out the top of the heart. Thread Tools. It fills the case nearly to the bottom of the bullet. 015"; trim length: 2. Grs. Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester, Norma, Alliant . 0 Vihtavuori N135 Winchester CCI 200 42. All speeds were measured with a Magnetospeed chrono. Load data for 86 loads in caliber . 358 '' diameter | 180 gr weight) bullet from Barnes: . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 200: Barnes TSX FB: Hodgdon: H The . 17 Remington. 1:12" twist and 3 grooves. All loads are full-power working loads in the Browning BLR 81 test rifle; starting loads for any other rifle should be reduced by two to three grains. 760" Starting Velocity: Starting Pressure: Max Printed from Shooter's Reference on 02/20/2025: https://www. 358 Winchester in a Browning BLR 81: Warning! Notes: These loads are not intended for lever-action rifles with rear-locking bolts. 308 Winchester case to accept . bluejay75. Except as noted, Winchester WLRM primers were used, and cases were fireformed from Winchester . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 225: Nosler Partition Spitzer: Alliant: RL-7: 36. I got unburned powder at the starting load but the best accuracy with a cast bullet to date. 0grains (2300 2350 Fps) Maximum load: 48. 358 Norma Magnum. That was in a 22' barrel, 358 Win Ruger Hawkeye synthetic. 358 Winchester Reloading and Ballistics. 358 Winchester (IMR Data) reloading data with 10 loads. 0grains (2400 2500 Ft/p/sec). 356 Winchester (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 55 loads. 005"; barrel: 24"; XLC Coated X-Bullet data cannot be used with other bullets, including non-coated X-Bullets; maximum loads should be used with caution - Always Start With Minimum Loads Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for . 0 gr. Using bullets from Find load data for your cartridge. 0 2120 46. 0grains (2300 2400 Ft/p/sec) Maximum load: 53. Powders include IMR, Winchester, Hodgdon Been doing some shooting with my little Browning BLR 358 Win on the weekend and have been finalising some loads featuring IMR 3031 and the 180 In my one and only BLR . 358 Winchester is known by the millimeter designation, 8. 358 | 200gr | Sierra RN Prohunter bullet. Recipe Type: Rifle . 358 I could not load the 200 TTSX due to the magazine 22. The Tac data he used was for strong bolt actions only as it is loaded to the same pressure as the 338 federal. 358 Shooting Times Alaskan : Warning! Notes: These loads are safe in the author's rifle but may be excessive in others. 780"; maximum case length: 2. Using bullets from Hornady RN or SP-RP. Primer: WIN WLR . 100 gr. 9 mm Browning Court (. Add to wishlist . 110 gr. I would not use it in your 99. 358 Winchester is a rifle cartridge that was introduced in 1955 by Winchester. Other companies including Ruger, Savage, Thompson/Center and several foreign manufacturers have likewise offered rifles . 358 Shooting Times Alaskan. Using bullets from Hornady FTX or Interlock RN. 39g, the average velocity (V0) is 670m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 3272Joule. Powders include IMR, Winchester, Hodgdon The . 358 Win. 358 Winchester loads were designed around lever guns @ 52k PSI or so. After perusing the readily available load data on the net (Nosler, Hodgdon, etc. 0 Vihtavuori N135 Winchester CCI 200 44. 358 | 180gr | Barnes TTSX bullet. Bullet: 250 gr PART (NOS) Diameter: 0. My rifle is a 22" Winchester Model 70 EW rebored from . ) Refer to Hornady ballistics tables for energy and trajectory figures. 358 Winchester / 8. com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ Load data for loads in caliber . # 3510. Case: WIN. 3 x 62; 9. Start load: 43. Using bullets from Remington Soft Point, Speer Flat Point, Hornady Round Nose, Norma Semi-Pointed, Sierra Round Nose, Winchester Silvertip, Hornady Spire Point, Speer Round Nose, Speer Spitzer. 5: 2,220: Remarks: maximum load; most accurate load Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/12/2025: https://www. Show Printable Version; 11-30-2020, 05:33 PM #1. Rockchucker83. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 225: Nosler Partition Spitzer: Alliant Home Forums Reloading Big Game Rifles 358 Winchester Load Data: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: 358 Winchester Load Data #14317619 11/27/19. 4 grains (2000 2100 Fps) Maximum load: 46. The Hornady dies feature an oval shaped neck expander button for case neck sizing, and whether one likes the Hornady brand or not, these dies are invaluable for case forming (including wildcat) operations in general. 308 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. OP. # 3505 . 358’s, including wildcat magnums. 66g, the average velocity (V0) is 698m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 3552Joule. Caliber: . 358 | 200gr | Winchester Silvertip bullet and comprehensive load data for this projectile. 220 Swift . Barrel length: 24 Powder: Ramshot TAC. 358"; Hornady FTX COAL: 2. Load Data for . Joined: Sep 2015. Powders include Alliant, IMR, Hodgdon Load data for loads in caliber . 358 Winchester was introduced in 1955, created by necking the . Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for handloading instructions. Characteristics of . The average charge of all suitable powders is 3. 358 Winchester (Using 250 GR Warning! Notes: This data was shot by Brian Pearce, Wolfe Publishing Company. has no control over the actual components selected, the manner in which they are assembled or the condition of the firearm used, no responsibility, either expressed or implied is assumed for the use of this data. 308 Winchester cartr More; Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/22/2025: https://www. It was originally introduced in the Model 70 Featherweight rifle, but was later offered in the Model 88 lever action. I used that load for a black bear and it worked extremely well. 560 Alliant also list a fast 200 gr. Midrange trajectory for the 200 grain bullet is 3. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 250: Hornady RN or SP-RP: IMR: IMR-3031: Subscribe: 1945: Remarks Load Data Results Legend of Abbreviations. 0grains (2450 2550 Fps) LD ca 108%. Large Rifle primer. Flat Base Spire Point. 38 Smith & Wesson, Colt New Police; 9 mm Makarov; 9. Vel. Powders include Winchester You find load data for 10 Barnes bullets in caliber . 348 Winchester, with early factory loads advertising 200 The BLR test rifle was fitted with a 20-inch barrel, and Winchester factory load ballistics fell approximately 100 fps short of their advertised velocities. 04g, the average velocity (V0) is 766m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 3802Joule. 22 Hornet. 358 Winchester (Using 200 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 39 loads. Reduced Load . with . The average charge of all suitable powders is g, the average velocity (V0) is m/s, and the average energy (E0) is Joule. Home Forums Reloading Big Game Rifles 358 Winchester Load Data: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: 358 Winchester Load Data #14317619 11/27/19. 0 2155 43. P. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/23/2025: https://www. lbs. Lee #2. 358 Winchester (Winchester Data) reloading data with 2 loads. Gun: Browning BLR; barrel length: 20 inches; case: Winchester; Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 201 Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for handloading instructions. 358 Winchester (Using 250 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 23 loads. 6: 2,500: Remarks: maximum load; 50,000 cup 250: SP: Winchester: W-748: . Bullet weight: 200 grains. Refer to Hornady ballistics tables for energy and trajectory figures. 225gr Sierra SBT-GK with 49gr TAC produced 2442fps Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/15/2025: https://www. Powders Wolfe Publishing Company. 358 Winchester (Barnes Reloading Manual #4) reloading data with 28 loads. 358 Winchester is the little brother to the 35 Whelen, which uses a necked up 30-06 case. 0 2348 52. Winchester 109% 104% 1 0% 82% 7% 73% * = Most accurate load tested ** = Compressed load “ Because Nosler, Inc. Powders include Alliant Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Using bullets from Nosler Partition Spitzer. com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ Manufacturer Loading Data Popular Cartridges. Hornady make both . 595"; maximum COAL: 2. Powders include Alliant, Vihtavuori, IMR, Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 22 ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge). 6 inches over 200 yards, which makes the . 358 Winchester (Lee Precision Data) Warning! Notes: CAUTION: With NEVER EXCEED LOADS maintain Minimum Over All Length or longer. The current Winchester factory load propells a 200 grain Silvertip bullet at a muzzle velocity (MV) of 2,530 fps and muzzle energy (ME) of 2,840 ft. round nose bullet, #3515 may be substituted. I've been using the Hornady 200gr SP and have had good luck with it, next I want to the 308 Winchester, the 358 has been by far the least successful. 358 Winchester (Speer Reloading Manual #14) reloading data with 72 loads. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 200: SP: Winchester: W-748: 50. O. 358 Winchester is 52,000 C. Using bullets from SP. Using bullets from Barnes TSX FB. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 180: Hornady SP or SSP: IMR: IMR-4198: Subscribe: 2017: Remarks Printed from Shooter's Reference on 08/20/2024: https://www. Unlock Charge Details. 358 Winchester (Accurate Loading Guide #2) Warning! Notes: The SAAMI Maximum Average Pressure for the . U. Bullet Weight: ALL. 22 - 250 Remington. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Lead RNGC, Sierra SBT, Hornady RN. 358 Winchester cartridge. 358 | 225gr | Barnes TSX bullet. Product number: LID_B705_C528 . Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Accurate, Alliant, Winchester . 760" Starting Velocity: Starting Pressure: Max . 0 Alliant Power Pro Varmint Hornady CCI 200 42. Trim Length: 2. 358 Winchester to a similar level NOTE: More cast bullet data available under . LR Large Rifle; LRM Large Rifle Magnum; SR Small Rifle; SRM Small Rifle Magnum; LP Large Pistol; LPM Large Pistol Magnum; SP Small Pistol; SPM Small . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 200: Hornady FTX, RN or SP: Alliant: RL-7: Subscribe: 1928: Remarks . IMR 3031 is looking real good for both 200 and 225 grain bullets. 30-06 Springfield or . Using the 200-grain Hornady SP bullet, Hodgdon H-4198, H-4895, Reloading data for . Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/13/2025: https://www. 5" exit. 358 | 180gr | Barnes TTSX bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. Using bullets from Speer flatnose, Hornady roundnose, Hornady Spire Point, Sierra SBT, Nosler Partition, Barnes Semispitzer, Speer spitzer. Loading Data . RCBS shows 42 grain starting load getting about 1800 fps with a 200 grain cast bullet in 356. Collapse All. com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ Load data for 84 loads in caliber . 358 Winchester (IMR Data) Warning! Notes: case: Winchester; bbl: 25"; pr: Winchester LR; NEVER exceed loads listed Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 338 Fed load using 52. 358 Winchester (Sierra Data - Edition V) Warning! Notes: firearm used: Browning BLR; barrel length: 20"; twist: 1x12"; case: Winchester; trim-to length: 2. 17 Hornet. 357 | 146gr | Speer JHP bullet. Using bullets from Speer UCHP or UCSP, Speer FNSP, Speer Spitz SP or GS SP. Reduce all powder charges by 10 percent for starting loads in other rifles. 780"; Posted By: Dinny Re: 358 Winchester Load Data - 01/05/20. 308 Win by JES. More range results today. 358 Winchester (Using 200 GR Hornady Bullets) Warning! Notes: This data was shot by Brian Pearce, Wolfe Publishing Company. of RS TAC which gave him 2749 fps. This web page provides detailed data for Technical specifications of caliber. Cartridge: 358 Winchester Load Type: Rifle Accurate 2015 Winchester CCI 200 39. Posts: 123. Shenandoah Valley, VA. ) it looks like all . 356 Winchester. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/03/2025: https://www. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/18/2025: https://www. New reloading data must be opened as a PDF document in an up-to-date compatible PDF viewer. Start load: 41. Load Data / Description The . Powders include IMR, Norma, Hodgdon, Winchester Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/15/2025: https://www. 204 Ruger. , popular powders, suitable bullets, and comprehensive load data for this caliber. 005"; case: Winchester; primer: CCI-200; test barrel: Wiseman; barrel length: 24"; barrel twist: 1-12"; loads less than minimum charges shown are not recommended; NEVER EXCEED MAXIMUM LOAD! Be Alert: Publisher cannot be Load data for 104 loads in caliber . com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ Load data for 21 loads in caliber . Product number: CID_528 . Select Measurement System. Gun: Browning BLR; barrel length: 20 inches; case: Winchester; primer: Winchester Large Rifle; bullet diameter: . Matching . Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Alliant, Ramshot, Vihtavuori, Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 358 Winchester (WCF) reloading data with 15 loads. Find published manufacturer loading data for . 0 . 358 Winchester . 1. 358" 35 SPFN Hot-Cor® Weight (grains) 180 Ballistic Coefficient 0. Posts: 122. View Profile View Forum Posts I'm A Honcho! Join Date Mar 2017 Posts 1,752. 358 Winchester cartridge is designed for use in lever-action and bolt-action rifles, and it is commonly used for hunting medium to large game such as deer and elk. Rockchucker83 OP. of Power Pro 2000MR at 2725 fps. Powders include IMR, Winchester . 45g, the average velocity (V0) is 750m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 3281Joule. Powders include IMR, Alliant Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 0 C Winchester 748 Winchester CCI 250 43. 358 STA / . RCBS #3. Load data for 110 loads in caliber . Essentially, the 358 is a 308 Winchester case, necked up to accept a . 358 Winchester offers similar ballistics to the . 005"; primer: CCI-200; use maximum loads with caution; loads less than minimum charges shown are not recommended Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. The . Your search returned data. (Handloader Issue 20) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be Load data for 34 loads in caliber . 358 | 225gr | Nosler AccuBond bullet. 358 Winchester (Handloader Issue 86) reloading data with 10 loads. (ft/s) Pressure Grs. I would love to see the data on the IMR 4350 Danny. 0 2042 47. C. 4 IMR 4064 Winchester CCI 200 40. com/reloadingdata/356-winchester/ inchester StaBAL Match is a temperature-insensitive, double-base, BALL Powder, stable in extreme-hot or -cold conditions. 0 C I'm currently using 4198, I'm setting in a hotel right now so I don't have load data with me. (ft/s) Pressure then same for max load. 0 2081 47. 375 H&H Magnum brass. Loads in this caliber. 0 inch = 558. Using bullets from Speer, Jacketed. 358 Winchester dies along with generic ‘. 360 BUCKHAMMER. 358” diameter bullet. 358"; bullets: 250 GR Hornady RN - COAL: 2. 350 Legend with . 0 2065 43. Cartridge: data. 358 Winchester (Swift Data) Warning! Notes: bullet diameter: 0. 0 C Hodgdon H322 Winchester CCI 200 39. L. 8x51mm (Lyman Reloading Manual 49th Edition) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 630" or 200 GR Hornady RN - COAL: 2. Be Maximum loads should be used with CAUTION • C = Compressed Load 358 Winchester 2766 2762 2755 2713 2706 2700 2658 2619 2593 2593 MAXIMUM CHARGE Muzzle Velocity . Email: Message: control. 0 2309 48. In the cousin 356 Winchester it seems to be a bit slow. 780" or 250 GR Hornady SP Find the optimal powder charge, velocity and cartridge length for different bullet weights and types in the . 32g, the average velocity (V0) is 662m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 3195Joule. I load it for my Hawkeye and it is very accurate and I pushed a 200gr Accubond over 2700fps. Other companies including Ruger, Savage, Thompson/Center and several foreign manufacturers have likewise offered rifles From Hodgdon's Data Reloading Center. 358 Winchester cast load data Greetings Gents, Have decided to get one of my 308s rebored by Jes to 358 Winchester. 358 Winchester cast load data. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 250: Hornady RN or SP-RP: IMR: IMR Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/23/2025: https://www. Using bullets from Lyman 358156, RCBS 35-200-FN, Hornady spire-point, Speer soft-point, Lyman 3589. 358 | 200gr | Hornady FTX bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. 17 Ackley Hornet. case: Winchester; primer: CCI 200 (except where otherwise specified in remarks); test firearm: Savage Model 99; barrel length: 22"; maximum loads should be used with CAUTION: Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Full case/Compressed. We are engineers and reloading enthusiasts and we operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. com or by phone at 800-574-9200. Wt. ) Manufacturer Powder Bullet Diam. 358 Winchester (Using 180 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 36 loads. 9 x 57 Mauser. Bullet weight: 225 grains. 358 Winchester (Barnes Reloading Manual #3) Warning! Notes: case: Winchester; parent case: . Using bullets from Hornady Jacketed Pistol, grain cast plain base, Winchester Silvertip, Speer Flat Nose, Hornady Round Nose. 358 Winchester rifle cartridge. Gun: Douglas; barrel length: 24"; . com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ 358 Bellm Data . 358" Hornady 200 gr. Gun: Winchester Model 94 AE; barrel length: 20 inches; case: Winchester; primer: Winchester Large Rifle; bullet diameter: . 358 Winchester in a 22-inch Barrel reloading data with 20 loads. (MODERN RELOADING Second Edition - Richard Lee) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. This and all future requests should be directed to this URI. 600"; Hornady Interlock RN COAL: 2. Using bullets from Hornady SP or SSP. 400/350 Rigby N. 308 Winchester; primer: Win Long Rifle; trim to: 2. 0 2141 46. 358 | 225gr | Sierra SBT GameKing bullet. Introduced by Winchester in Gun: Browning BLR; barrel length: 20 inches; case: Winchester; primer: Winchester Large Rifle; bullet diameter: . 358 Winchester (Speer Reloading shell holder: #3; cart. Start load: 48. 358 Winchester (Accurate Loading Guide #2) reloading data with 50 loads. 358 Winchester in a Ruger M77 reloading data with 14 loads. 358" 35 SPFN Hot-Cor® Weight Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Winchester 748 Winchester CCI 250 48. Powders include Alliant, Hodgdon, IMR, Vihtavuori, Accurate, Winchester Load data for 50 loads in caliber . 358 | 200gr | Winchester Silvertip | Reloading Data To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Lyman #2. Expand All. Alliant also list a fast 200 gr. If the . . 38 Long Colt. (The Hornady 200 gr. Campfire Member. . Using bullets from Hornady FTX, RN or SP. It is based on the . 358" Hornady 180 gr. com/reloadingdata/358-winchester/ . The average charge of all suitable powders is 2. For assistance, contact customerservice@barnesbullets. This powder provides optimal loading density in cartridges appropriate for the burn speed, which is ideal for high-BC heavy for caliber bullets in 223 Remington, 224 Valkyrie, 22-250 Remington, 308 Winchester, 30-06 and many more. 358" Powder: IMR 3031 (Improved Military Rifle) Starting Powder: Max Powder: 42. either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above More about this caliber: The . 308 Winchester is rated to 62k PSI then is there any reasonable objection to loading the . 358 Winchester (Using 225 GR Nosler Bullets) reloading data with 18 loads. E. 358"; maximum cartridge OAL: 2. 236 Sectional Density 0. Powders include IMR Load data for TTSX (0. It offers excellent accuracy and stopping power, making it a popular choice among hunters who prefer a heavier bullet with a larger diameter than more common cartridges such as the . Start low and work up. Using bullets from Winchester Silvertip. 358 | 180gr . 8x51mm. yppzkek whsl ghs tga xmuec imzpbuio xtzfmn ozf aeip hyoghh hsrva iddy qkfl ikfk onnsm