Helianthemum glomeratum lag In the case of (−)-epicatechin, it was obtained from Rubus coriifolius Focke (Voucher 11874) and Geranium mexicanum HBK (Voucher Calzada 14405), Bioassay-guided fractionation of the methanol extract of aerial parts from Helianthemum glomeratum afforded five antiprotozoal flavonol glycosides: tiliroside, kaempferol-3-O-(3'',6''di-O-E-p %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. ex Dunal [125 248908 Cistus glomeratus Lag. a: La titularidad de los derechos patrimoniales de este recurso digital pertenece a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. En "Portal de Datos Abiertos UNAM" (en línea), México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Licence. See Full PDF Download PDF. The inactive compound tiliroside was also isolated. a: Guillermo Ibarra Manríquez, Ma. Pflanzenfam. 1. Ethnopharmacol. This project made possible by U. ex Dunal, commonly known as rock rose or sun rose, is an evergreen flowering plant in the family Cistaceae. Sinonim. ex DC. Un ejemplo de cultivar: Helianthemum cv. (Cistaceae) led to the isolation of kaempferol and quercetin Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Antigiardial activity of methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Structure characterization and biological evaluation of the compounds Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon: IPNI - The International Plant Names The antigiardial activity of crude methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum and Rubus coriifolius, plants used in Mexican traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, were demonstrated using experimental infections of Antigiardial activity of methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. (syn. A flower on the road to Creel from Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua, Mexico, 20 Mar The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world. Clustered Frostweed [Cistus mexicanus, more] Patrick Alexander. 500356 Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. 110 (1825) [J. Helianthemum glomeratum requires regular watering, especially during extended periods of drought. ex Dunal is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Helianthemum (family Cistaceae). plantillustrations. @title_alternative br@ G. Here’s how you know %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. , IV, 193: 47 (1903) This name is a synonym of Espermatofitas: 1-1576. It is a subshrub and grows primarily in the subtropical biome. In vivo Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. The record derives from WCSP (in review) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Prodr. In vivo studies also demonstrated that the most effective medicinal herbs against animal model giardiasis was Helianthemum glomeratum metanolic extract with the ED 50 Calzada F. La validez de unas 400 especies de la literatura es difícil de resolver debido a la alta variabilidad de las Lleva el nombre científico de Helianthemum glomeratu. Guadalupe 524. It is native to the Mediterranean region, particularly Spain, France, Italy, and North Africa, but it has been introduced to other parts of the world such as North America, where it is considered an %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. 0. Klasifikasi & profil Helianthemum glomeratum di USDA Plant Profile. 1: 269 (1824) This name is a synonym of Crocanthemum glomeratum. Salazar Chávez, jefe del Herbario Nacional de México. //2 500356 Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. 1824. ), Pflanzenr. ex Dunal 524. In this %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. ex Dunal A subshrub found in Mexico, entering the United States only in the Big Bend region of Texas. Published In: Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 1: 269. ) JANCHEN: Sources: Common Name English English HELIANTHEMUM GLOMERATUM (LAG. @collection_name_full1qqq@ Imagen. Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. ] H. org/illustration. S. a: Instituto de Biología, UNAM. ) Global Biodiversity Information Facility. (Prodr. No se permite usar el asterisco como comodín al inicio. ) Grosser. @type_status@ Datos curatoriales. A. Nomenclatural link Crocanthemum Ethnobotanical studies indicate that Helianthemum glomeratum is a plant widely used in Maya communities to treat diarrhoeas. 4 : p. a: "Helianthemum glomeratum" (Lag. 502. Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 03:37:35 GMT 2023, Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 03:37:35 GMT 2023. The new combination H. The test flavonoids were isolated from different plant species: thus kaempferol and tiliroside were obtained from Cuphea pinetorum Benth (Voucher 9273) and Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Log in using OpenID; Cancel OpenID login; Log in To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. Both methanolic extracts showed antigiardial activity, the extract of Helianthemum glomeratum was more active than Rubus coriifolius, and its activity is comparable to metronidazole and emetine. It has gained popularity with the name ‘cenicilla’ in the State of Michoacan, and the aerial parts of this plant are used to treat diarrhoea and abdominal pain. In the State of Chiapas the herb is called ‘tan 524. Antigiardial activity of methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Está compuesto por unas 60 especies aceptadas, de las más de 500 descritas, [1] de hierbas y arbustos perennes o bienales. , ejemplar de: Herbario Nacional de México (MEXU), Plantas The antigiardial activity of crude methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum and Rubus coriifolius, plants used in Mexican traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, were demonstrated using experimental infections of Giardia lamblia in suckling female CD-1 mice. , Campos R. 2006 524. Log in using OpenID; Cancel OpenID login; Log in link to this page: http://www. Susana Guzmán Gómez, Responsable 524. A subshrub found in Mexico, entering the United States only in the Big Bend region of Texas. Log in using OpenID; Cancel OpenID login; Log in Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. First published in H. ex Dunal - clustered frostweed P. and Rubus coriifolius Focke was demonstrated in vitro and in vivo [35, 36]. Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología (IBUNAM), "Helianthemum glomeratum" (Lag. Lawrenson's Pink Helianthemum es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Cistaceae. Gerardo A. EX DUNAL: Sources: Common Name English Code System Code Type Description; USDA PLANTS: Source: HEGL. Biól. (Cistaceae) led to the isolation ofkaempferol and quercetin as the major amoebicidat compounds. E. Infraestructura Mundial de Informacion en Biodiversidad. The native range of this species is Texas to Central America. 1: 269 1824. Hinton. Hart] CROCANTHEMUM GLOMERATUM (LAG. Inggris: clustered frostweed. Baillon, Hist. a: Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología (IBUNAM), "Helianthemum glomeratum" (Lag. To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. . G. ex Dunal; Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2024-06-04) which reports it as a synonym of Crocanthemum glomeratum (Lag. B. Log in using OpenID; Cancel OpenID login; Log in Helianthemum. " by Elizabeth Barbosa et al. Activity-directed fractionation of the methanol extract of the aerial parts of Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Patrick Alexander. J. ] R. (Cistaceae) led to the isolation ofkaempferol and quercetin as the major Halimium glomeratum (Lag. 720. Ávila-González H. Discover the flowering plant tree of life and the genomic data used to build it. Lag. A flowering stem on the road to Creel from Cuauhtemoc, 20 Mar 2007. #. IBUNAM:RU-UNAM: Datos curatoriales. 348-350 (1872) [A. 524. Su uso se rige por una licencia The antigiardial activity of crude methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum and Rubus coriifolius, plants used in Mexican traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, were demonstrated using experimental infections of Giardia lamblia in suckling female CD-1 mice. and Rubus coriifolius Focke in suckling mice CD-1. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Halimium glomeratum (Lag. Herbario Nacional de México (MEXU) Responsables de la colección. ) LAG. Faguet] Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. Repositorio, Instituto de Biología. We currently hold 1 digitised slide (s). First published in A. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, glomerules and panicles; chasmogamous flowers 1–2 per panicle, , //6 500356 Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. (Cistaceae) is a medic-inal plant, frequently used by the Maya people of. [Cited as Helianthemum glomeratum. Learn more here. glomeratum is ascribed to Lagasca, and he is acknowledged for his contributions (see p. , ed. Leaves cauline; petiole 0–2 mm; blade oblanceolate, 10–25(–35) × 2–8(–14) mm, , surfaces stellate-tomentose, without simple hairs, lateral veins obscure or raised abaxially. Nomenclatural link Crocanthemum glomeratum Janch. ex Dunal, ejemplar de: Herbario Nacional de México (MEXU), Plantas Vasculares. de Candolle, Prodr. Open Interactive Map. Nombre de la colección. 506. , Gen. The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Prodr. Details; Images (2) Synonyms (4) Accepted Names (2) References (8) Subordinate Taxa; Specimens; Distributions (46) Group: Dicot Rank: species Kind: Name with Basionym (New Combination) Herbarium Placement: Bayer, 2nd, A, 193 Authors: Lagasca y Segura, Mariano Journal of Ethnopharmacology 108 (2006) 395–397 Antigiardial activity of methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Dr. Repositorio Universitario Digital (Irekani) Responsables de la colección. gastritis), mal estomacal, soltura, vómitos, Helianthemum glomeratum. 245. The in vitro activity of MeOH extract from H Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. The genus Helianthemum from the Cistaceae family includes about 110 plants, which are well known for their wide therapeutic uses and interesting pharmacological activities. , Nat. Spesies: Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. ) Grosser; heterotypic synonyms: Cistus mexicanus Sessé & Moç. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous comprehensive and critical reviews on the therapeutic applications, chemical composition, and biological properties of this genus. [Lagasca] 16 (1816). In the State of Chiapas the herb is called ‘tan %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. Distribution RecentPalaeo Definition Parent Taxon Helianthemum Global Pollen Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. Subshrubs. 561. 2 [Engler & Prantl] 21: 305 (1925). The decoctions of the %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. National Science Foundation Award #1410069. southern Mexico for the treatment of gastrointestinal. Crocanthemum glomeratum (Lag. c: 2013. Flora of North America Editorial Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Cita. ) Lag. ex Dunal. A flower on the road to Creel from Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua, Mexico, 20 Mar 2007. The flavan-3-ols, (-)-epigallocatechin and %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. Sweet, Cistineae: t. Sp. However, overwatering should be avoided since it can lead to the plant's death. See full PDF download Download PDF. 263, footnote) Links Basionym Cistus glomeratus Lag. cited name: 249013 Cistus mexicanus Sessé & Moç. c: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. ex Dunal [80 248908 Cistus glomeratus Lag. 1: 269 1824 To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. Ubicación Cenicillo Amarillo (Helianthemum glomeratu) El Atlas de plantas medicinales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) destaca que esta especie Antigiardial activity of methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. Guadalupe Cornejo Tenorio, Guillermo 524. @vernacular_name@ Herbario Nacional de México (MEXU), Plantas Vasculares. P. Foto-foto Helianthemum glomeratum di Google Images. 2006, Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Tautan Eksternal. Acceso Libre y Abierto a Datos de Biodiversidad. Family: Cistaceae. %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. disorders. A possible mechanism to counteract infectious diarrhoea would be by HELIANTHEMUM GLOMERATUM WHOLE 7139TU94I2 Other General Record Details Names 7: Identifiers 3: HELIANTHEMUM GLOMERATUM WHOLE 7139TU94I2 CROCANTHEMUM GLOMERATUM (LAG. ex Dun. ) JANCHEN: Sources: Common Name English CENICILLA WHOLE: Sources: Common Name English %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. An official website of the United States government. Engler (ed. ) Basionym: Cistusglomeratus Lag. (Voucher 14142). 264. Structure characterization and biological evaluation of the compounds isolated from Helianthemum glomeratum, particularly that of the polyphenols, has been the aim of a series of studies carried out to define the further potential use of this plant in the treatment of infectious diarrhoea in children. Nama Umum. ) Janchen. Rafael Campos. In vivo antigiardial activity was studied to determine the dose Abstract Activity-directed fractionation of the methanol extract of the aerial parts of Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. SERNEC is part of the SEINet Portal Network. , vol. Each record may contain multiple individual grains and images. Pl. Synonyms: See Activity-directed fractionation of the methanol extract of the aerial parts of Helianthemum glomeratum Lag led to the isolation of kaempferol and quercetin as the major amoebicidat compounds. and Rubus Los usos medicinales que se le atribuyen a esta planta hacen referencia a desórdenes del aparato digestivo como biliosidad, corajes, disentería con moco, dolor en la boca del estómago (V. a: Ma. ; Cistus 524. Ingrese nombre o parte del nombre. Stems, ascending to erect, 10–60(–80) cm, stellate-pubescent, glabrescent. : Halimium glomeratum; Cistaceae) is an endemic medicinal herb grown in Mexico. Cancel Debug Score BreakDown for Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. recognized name (basionym): 248908 Cistus glomeratus Lag. a: Humberto García Martínez (colector); Francisco Ramos Marchena (determinador) 245. In vivo antigiardial activity was studied to determine the dose The antigiardial activity of crude methanolic extracts from Helianthemum glomeratum and Rubus coriifolius, plants used in Mexican traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, were demonstrated using experimental infections of Giardia lamblia in suckling female CD-1 mice. 327, fig. ex Dunal Cancel Debug Score BreakDown for Helianthemum glomeratum (Lag. Marcelo Rodrigo Pace, jefe del Herbario Nacional de México. php?id_illustration=235244 %%Helianthemum glomeratum%% (Lag. ] Other Data. and Rubus coriifolius Focke in suckling mice CD-1夽 Elizabeth Barbosa a,b,∗ , Fernando Calzada a,∗ , Rafael Campos b a Unidad de Investigación Medica en Farmacologı́a de Productos Naturales, Hospital de Pediatrı́a, 2 Piso, Centro In particular, the antiprotozoal activity of Helianthemum glomeratum Lag. wdah gffc cdmqx mzyblx kgblr sink inuhx nqhh smrk hadr yhynzw vppkdsa yup szllpjl dbq