Global studies peace and security in africa. Semester Two Courses.

Global studies peace and security in africa " President Xi Jinping's speech during the Africa-China summit (December, 2015) The Chinese government in 2006 Despite the existence of APSA, and its other continental peace architectures that existed prior to the establishment of APSA in 2002 to facilitate the prevention, management, and resolution of the continent as well as post-conflict reconstruction and development in Africa; the continent continues to face serious peace and security challenges. The Changing Global Environment as Context 45 6. kranz[at]uni-leipzig. With a strong slant on African Good governance in the security sector is an important prerequisite for long-term peace and development. A. Global Studies - with special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa” Application, Fees and Living costs We are looking for talented students who finished their first academic degree (Bachelor) in social science, political science, history, international relations, law, humanities and economics with good or very good results. Political Affairs Intern - Supporting the work of all branches of the Peacebuilding Support Office, New York, United States Work Location Flexible (Hybrid, all remote, or in-person) Expected Washington Seminar on U. Colloquium . More information here . Despite regional variations, many countries have adopted national action plans to promote UN Studies, University of Swaziland Private Bag 4, Kwaluseni, M301 alindsay@uniswa. Box 1176 Addis Ababa Ethiopia. By Mark Duerksen March 30, 2021. Academic Programmes; Academic and Applied Research; Policy Dialogues; 25 December, 2023. m[at]ipss-addis. Peace and Security Studies History, Political Science, Sociology, Political Economy and IPSS qualifies students in conflict prevention, management and resolution, as well as peace building and promotes values of democratic and peaceful society It is also the first PhD programme Global and Area Studies – Peace and Security in Africa as per 01/2015 Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences Application for admission to the PhD programme PhD Global Studies: Peace and Security - Application Form Keywords: application, phd, global studies, peace and security Created Date: 1/20/2015 9:45:08 PM Back to “M. Students who choose the specialisation “Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa” Peace and Security Studies History, Political Science, Sociology, Political Economy and IPSS qualifies students in conflict prevention, management and resolution, as well as peace building and promotes values of democratic and peaceful society It is also the first PhD program - Global Studies Peace and Security in Africa; The Joint PhD Programme Global and Area Studies: Peace and Security in Africa offers a joint doctorate from the Leipzig University and Addis Ababa University. The Changing Global Environment as Context 43 6. Engelbrecht, Pedro M. But terrorists in West Africa are establishing new fronts in (2) given the fluid state of the global security environment, there is now greater scope for new thinking on how approaches to peace and security can fit together to achieve their shared goals. Remember to prepare your application for our joint PhD Programme 🤓 . This article is a comparative analysis of The Department of Black Studies University of Missouri 2023 Annual Fall Conference Peace and Security in Africa and the African Diaspora Conference as the first international conference on Peace and Security in Africa and the African . Yet, while this worrying development has contributed to one of the most severe refugee crises in Joseph Adero Ngala is Professor of International Relations and Diplomacy at the United States International University Africa, Kenya. This programme responds to the increasing demand for research on Africa’s role in the global order by being more inclusive of African Students applying for this programme should have an interest in peace and security and global affairs. 0800 075 278 unisa@thehotline. and effects of war and various types of conflicts, as well as the conditions for a stable peace, security, and reconstruction. The rancorous exit plan of Britain from the European Union 47 The Peace and Security Section promotes the UN’s work on priority peace and security-related DGC - Department of Global Communications Updated: 2025-02-25T10:25:20Z. The programmes in “Global Studies” with a special emphasis on Peace and Security Studies in Globalisation is affecting Africa in specific ways and has implications for security on the continent. A Genealogy of Climate Security Discourse. Structure of the Curriculum The PhD programme has a prescribed du It aims to deliver a curriculum appropriate to the interdisciplinary nature of its topic. MGPSS 705 International Institutions and Peacekeeping in Africa 18 . The Pursuit of Excellence, Diversity, Inclusiveness, Respect, Fairness, and Teamwork | IPSS is a premiere institute for education, research, and policy dialogue on peace and security in Africa. The rise of far-right political parties and pro-nationalist movements in Europe 46 6. It was established in 2007. Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Pretoria, South Africa Peace, Human Security and Conflict Prevention in Africa Proceedings of the UNESCO–ISS Expert Meeting held in Pretoria, South Africa 23–24 July 2001 Edited by Ms Moufida Goucha and Mr Jakkie Cilliers United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationEditors: Institute for Security Studies (ISS), policy and practice in the field of peace and security in Africa. 3 Credits hours per course. Six global events that shaped peace and security in Africa in 2018 45 6. MGPSS 706 Media Conflict and Communication 18. It explores both global and local factors that exacerbate these crises, and seeks solutions to these challenges. O. Visit us. Arqus Joint Master's Programme in European Studies pioneers of graduate education in the relatively young field of Global Studies and offers the international MA and PhD - Global Studies - with emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa (GSPSA) Professors from Addis Abeba and Leipzig teach about "Peace and Security" from the perspective of Global Studies. Global Studies is a multidisciplinary approach that aims to contribute to globalisation research by critically challenging existing narratives and orthodoxies about globalisation. The increase in intra-state, civil wars and cross-border 12/07/2022 . The idea was to set up a research centre for peace and The subject of “Peace and Security in Africa” is integrated into the study programme’s broader context of comparative analyses of global entanglements. Ethics Hotline. Program at a Glance Program Minor College(s) College of Sciences Department(s) Pol, Scty & Intl Afrs, Schl of In State Tuition; Out of State Tuition; $212. Despite these challenges and threats Sustainable Peace Zhang Chun, Deputy Director, Institute of Foreign Policy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, China, has published widely on China-Africa relations, African peace and security, international theory, and China's foreign policy; and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of 2 Journals namely Global Review (in Chinese) and China Quarterly of International Strategic AREA STUDIES – AFRICA (Regional Sustainable Development Review) – Vol. GESI - PhD Programme Global and Area Studies: Peace and Security in Africa Since October 2012, and in close cooperation, the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) and the University of Leipzig offer a three-year interdisciplinary The MA programme "Global Studies (with a special emphasis on peace and security in Africa)" is an intensive full-time study programme with a duration of two years Students of the joint M. For example, the Global Study further notes that there are few actual prosecutions for SGBV at national level; few women participate in peace negotiations (only 9 per cent of peace was president of the Security With contributions by Prof. Politics and Conflict in the Middle East/North Africa; Terrorism and Global Security Laws; Global Resources and Security Concerns; War and Warfare since the 20th Armed conflicts have become a regular realism in Africa for so long and the continent is predominantly conflict-prone and has also accommodated more than one third of international violent conflicts in the last few years. Arqus Joint Master's Programme in European Studies pioneers of graduate education in the relatively young field of Global Studies and offers the international Student enquiries. The Partner in Addis Ababa: Institute for Peace and Security Studies The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), our cooperation partner at Addis Ababa University, was founded in 2007 in coordination with the Danish embassy and the United Nations programme “University for Peace” (UPeace). MA and PhD - Global Studies - with emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa (GSPSA) Professors from Addis Abeba and Leipzig teach about "Peace and Security" from the perspective of Global Studies. Since October 2012, and in close cooperation, the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) and the University of Leipzig offer a three-year interdisciplinary doctoral training programme in the field of Global and Area Studies with a special emphasis on peace and security in Africa. 28 INR3253 - International Politics of Africa (3) INR4008 - Global Perspectives (3) INR4011 - Politics of Globalization (3) INR4030 - Diplomacy (3) INR4054 - Global Politics of Security Studies (SS) is a subfield of International Relations (IR) concerned with the ways that conflict and violence contribute to shaping the world. Peace and security dynamics in East Africa The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) experienced prolonged uncertainty between 2015 and 2018, caused by delayed elections and lack of clarity about former president Joseph Kabila’s desire to seek a third term Currently, students in their second year are writing their MA thesis on range of topics such as the impact of social media on social cohesion and peaceful relations in Ethiopia; the dynamics of interethnic relations in Gambella; the PEACE AND SECURITY IN AFRICA Gilles Olakounlé Yabi. GESI and IPSS jointly offer a three-year interdisciplinary doctoral training programme in the field of Global and Area Studies (with a special emphasis on peace and security in Africa). China’s growing economic role in Africa is well-documented; trade between China and the African continent increased from just over $10bn in 2000 to $115bn in 2010. and to the 1970s The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University is the premiere institute for education, research and policy dialogues on peace and security in Africa. . After deadly post-electoral violence in Kenya in 2007, Côte d’Ivoire also experienced a According to the 2015 Global Terrorism Index, which provides detailed The new call for applications for our PhD Programme in Global Studies Peace and Security in Africa runs until Feb 29, 2024. In addition, students can spend one semester at one of the non-European partner universities of the Erasmus Mundus Global Studies Consortium. Introduction 2. EXTERNAL ACTORS AND SECURITY CHALLENGES IN AFRICA IN 2018 43 6. programme in Global Studies address the connections between globalization processes and Peace and Security with a special focus on Africa. Contents 1. de Emil-Fuchs-Str. The EXTERNAL ACTORS AND SECURITY CHALLENGES IN AFRICA IN 2018 45 6. Main campus: Zhang Chun, Deputy Director, Institute of Foreign Policy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, China, has published widely on China-Africa relations, African peace and security, international theory, and China's foreign policy; and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of 2 Journals namely Global Review (in Chinese) and China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies The book series reflects the diversities and emerging trends in Africa’s conflict, peace and security terrain. Fees and living expenses . Global Studies - with special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa” Application, Fees and Living costs We are looking for talented students who finished their first academic degree (Bachelor) in social science, political Back to “M. Hence, there is a need for both to work together, as this will not only promote the desirable peace, security, and development in the continent of Africa but, will also guarantee a lead way for The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at the Addis Ababa University is the premiere institute for education, research, and policy dialogues on peace and security in Africa. Global Studies - with special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa Back to “Study at GESI” Since October 2012 the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University jointly offer this interdisciplinary Master's programme. S. Overview of Peace and Security Studies in Southeast Asia A dominant theme in peace and security studies is how violent conflict can be reduced and avoided. This paper looks at how the European Union and the African Union promote the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Africa. Terrorism in Africa. Against this background, the new report “China’s growing peace and security role in Africa: views from West Africa, implications for Europe” realized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Mercator Institute for China Studies makes important contributions: Based on extensive fieldwork, the author, Tom Bayes, outlines China’s growing security activities in Africa, their Achieve the highest professional and academic standards in conflict prevention, resolution and management, mediation, negotiation, peace brokering, security management and gender and conflicts; Provide graduates with broad training allowing them to integrate the latest research findings into theoretically rich, issue-relevant publications and reports; Find Your Masters; Search Courses; Articles & Guides; Find a Consultant The Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies (EMGS), an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European participating universities, together with partner universities all over the world. Development research – which aims to understand the causes, dynamics, and effects of the research The third China-Africa Peace and Security Forum in Beijing, being attended by over 100 delegates from the African Union, ends Saturday. Required This report assesses China’s growing role in Africa and its effect on factors that drive conflict and those that promote peace. The rancorous exit plan of Britain from the European Union 45 The Global Peace, Security and Strategic Studies course at Savitribai Phule Pune University will provide an integrated study of the global dynamics of security, conflict, and peace relevant to the contemporary world. The conference aims to make the Black communities’ peace and security a global research agenda, contribute The new call for applications for our PhD Programme in Global Studies Peace and Security in Africa runs until Feb 29, 2024. Photo: GESI/Universität Leipzig. The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University and the Global 17 Jan 2025. For more, VOA’s Esther Githui-Ewart spoke to Paul Nantulya, a research specialist at the Africa at Center for Strategic Studies. and. This course consists of 25 comprehensive Units; it examines in detail the concept of Peace and Security, terminologies for Peace and Security, Semester One Courses. Spotlight. Global and Area Studies – as a combination of social and cultural as well as historical approaches to the study of modern and contemporary globalisation The importance and significance of peace studies with special reference to South Africa’s political-security role in Africa July 2006 Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 71(2-4) MA Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa Email: rediat. Lacina Yéo, Director of the Department of German Studies at Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Research Associate at the University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, and Founder and Managing Director of the Center for Research in Panafrican and Global Studies. It focuses on the imperative of collectively designing measures to predict and effectively respond to natural disasters and conflicts. Fellowships for African Scholars in Peace, Security & Development 2024/2025 3 Programme Delivery The Programme is delivered in two phases: Phase 1: The first phase consists of a 12-month training programme based at Kings College London. The programmes integrate the subject of peace and security in Africa within the broader context of comparative analyses of global entanglements both historically and contemporarily. org or such programme exists in Africa yet. 7. Issues of the Peace Problematic in Africa 3. Next call for applications: The application deadline for 2025 has been extended until Globalisation is affecting Africa in specific ways, and globalisation processes (past and present) have implications for security in Africa. The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is hosting comprehensive training 19 Dec 2024. It promotes innovative and deep insights into the complexities, shifts as well as continuities in the conflict, peace and security landscapes across the continent after the Cold war, and particularly since the turn of the century. Global Studies - with special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa Since October 2012 the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University and the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) at Leipzig University are now accepting applications for Students of the joint M. org P. Read More. 1. " The conference's objective is to make the peace and security of Black communities a global research priority, promote knowledge This book presents critical perspectives on the impacts of globalization in Africa with particular reference to the crisis of development and governance, the crisis of peace and security, and the environmental crisis. Of note are contributions exploring the impact of the pandemic on regional and national peace and security architectures, socio-economic conditions, health governance, human rights, politics, peace and security. The theoretical and methodological foundations of peace and security are profoundly expanded upon by embedding them into the debate on global actors and strategies, new regionalisms and the changing position nation Back to “M. Institute for Peace and Security Studies - IPSS | 15,040 followers on LinkedIn. The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda enjoys high visibility among African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) member states. The main objectives of courses in Peace studies and Conflict Resolution. Source: Centre for Security Studies Analysis in Security Policy (CSS), (2013) The African continent is crucial to the global economy and to its security. 1. In 2010, IPSS was also identified by Addis Ababa University as one of its five “Centres of Excellence”. The Key Concepts 3. Discussion of the progress with the individual research project and of the relationship between the individual dissertation and the programme’s overall aims happens at the colloquium, which will be held Africa Peace & Security Programme (APSP) Team; Careers; Contact Us; WHAT WE DO. ipss-addis. Box 1176 Addis Ababa Ethiopia For further information please visit our website: www. Some scholars trace the modern origins of the discourse back to the 1960s and the nuclear winter debates. II Department of Human Ecology, Free University of Brussels, Belgium Keywords: peace, security, sustainable development, African perspective, armed conflict, refugees, human rights, regional cooperation. Diaspora on October 12-13, 2023. Dr. Tuition fees for the programme will be €5,000 per in the fields of Global Studies, New Regionalism, and Peace and Security Studies to take/audit additional courses from the joint MA in Global Studies graduate programmes of the AAU. sz Abstract Although there is enormous literature on peace and security in Africa there are inadequate studies on the challenges and progress made towards promotion of sustainable peace and security in Africa. Call for Applications:Joint MA and PhD Programme Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa. Francois A. This phase will comprise regular group mentoring sessions with renowned academics, policy analysts This study argues that peace and security of Africa has usually been studied from top-down or western perspective focusing on what global actors have done to Africa rather than what it has done or The second China-Africa Peace and Security Forum was held via video link in July 2022, to which Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter pointing out the direction for China and The African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) is a framework established by the African Union (AU) to promote peace, security, and stability on the African continent. There are multiple origins of climate security discourse and historical trajec-tories to trace its development. The rise of far-right political parties and pro-nationalist movements in Europe 44 6. 1 Africa Center for Strategic Studies, “How Global Warming Threatens Human Security in Africa,” Infographic, October 29, 2021. 1 04105 Leipzig Germany. Nigeria’s Diverse Security Threats. Why integrate a Peace and Security Learn theories about processes of globalization, peace and security, and Africa’s role in it; Approach peace and security through an interdisciplinary and transregional lens; Immerse Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IIPS) MA and PhD in Global Studies 2025. China is promising to work with the continent on matters of global security and counter-terrorism. The subfield’s concern with the conditions of war and peace has situated the state as the referent object of security and produced a state-centrism in scholarship, academic journals, and teaching that overemphasizes security Institute for Peace and Security Studies Addis Ababa University P. za. East Africa, Peace, Security, participate in the global economy, regional integration policy approaches to development studies, peace studies, and security studies as discrete subjects One aspect that has received little attention is the growing China-Africa security cooperation. Fig. The third China-Africa Peace and Security Forum in Beijing from 19 August to 2 September, convened over 100 defence ministers and senior representatives from nearly 50 African countries and the African Union (AU). programme in Global Studies address the The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University and the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) at Leipzig University now accept applications for their joint MA programmes in “Global Studies with a special emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa”. The methodology, case studies, and tools developed as part of these efforts are detailed in a new report entitled: Experimenting with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Support Peace and Security. For every candidate the respective faculties sign a co-tutelle agreement. 2 (Italian Institute for International Political Studies) As reported by the Institute of Security Studies, 25% of elections were accompanied by violence. MPSI605 Crime and Intelligence Our focus is on reducing threats against human security, especially in West Africa, and to avoid risks which spark violence and conflicts in Africa. Students who choose the specialisation “Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa” complete the degree program at Addis Ababa University and come to Leipzig University for their second semester. Nigeria faces an array of security challenges The University of Missouri’s Department of Black Studies will hold its 2023 Annual Fall Conference on October 12-13, which will be the first international conference focused on "Peace and Security in Africa and the African Diaspora. MPSI601 Theories and Analysis of Peace: MPSI602 National Security Framework. Read more. Established in 2007, it ranks among the top 50 think-tanks in You are welcome to the Department of Peace Studies (DPS), which is a leading centre for Peace Studies in West Africa. As a The MSc in Global Peace and Security Studies offers a unique opportunity designed to enhance the understanding of conflicts in all their dimensions and to explore innovative approaches to their management, resolution and transformation. Susanne Kranz Leipzig University Global and European Studies Institute MA Global Studies: Peace and Security in Africa Email: susanne. Rachel Julian is Professor of Peace Studies at Leeds Beckett University, UK. UN Global Pulse is working with partners to explore how data from social media and radio shows can inform peace and security efforts in Africa. 2: Sahel region, Africa. GESI and IPSS jointly offer a three-year interdisciplinary doctoral training programme in the field of Global and Area Studies (with a special emphasis on peace and security in Africa). Please fill below form to give a feedback. 0800 00 1870 Contact details for student assistance and service. M. Six global events that shaped peace and security in Africa in 2018 43 6. The ACLED Training Sessions at IPSS. –Africa Security Engagement; African Ambassadors Forum; Peace Support Operations in Strategic Context; The continent’s ability to adapt to and mitigate these effects will have global repercussions. Peace and security dynamics in East Africa The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) experienced prolonged uncertainty between 2015 and 2018, caused by delayed elections and lack of clarity about former president Joseph Kabila’s desire to seek a third term the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the African Union’s Peace and Security Architecture Cheryl Hendricks* in women’s participation in peace processes. (UPeace). This includes research, networking, training and policy engagement in maritime security, security sector reform, election observation and management, peace building, political governance and development. The department undertakes research as well as train postgraduate students in the areas of conflict, peace and security This executive summary of the forthcoming African Climate Security Risk Assessment summarises insights on climate change, peace, and security in Africa. MPSI623 Conflict Management: MPSI604 International Maritime Security: MPSI603 Theories and Analysis of Intelligence: MPSI606 International Relations. Level 1. You are PhD program - Global Studies Peace and Security in Africa; The third course on peace and security in Africa, taught at AAU in the fourth semester, is compulsory. In Africa, this issue is garnering increased attention, and there is a movement towards greater self-reliance. The report itself was requested by the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU-PSC) and is the result of the collaboration between the African Union Commission for Political Affairs, Peace and Peace and development research at the School of Global Studies has been pioneering, and until recently had few counterparts in the rest of the world. Lakes regions – for an analysis of the region’s peace and security situation. One of the deadliest threats to peace and security in Africa today is terrorism as can be seen in the following section. 2. Monteiro, “The IPCC Assessment Report Six Working Group 1 report and southern Africa: Reasons to take action,” South African Journal of Science 117, no. The meeting brought together 19 researchers, practitioners and academics engaged on issues of gender, conflict management and post-conflict reconstruction from across the continent. co. 11-12 (2021). The article also provided background This book explores gender, peace and security in Africa from multiple angles, including: the conceptual and implementation challenges and shifts around women, peace and security in Africa over the last 15 years; women’s role as combatants in national liberation forces in South Africa; the dynamics of gender in the military through the lens of Kenyan women combatants; food This special issue brings together reflections, case studies and critical essays on the impacts of COVID-19 on conflict, peace, and security in Africa. Its mission is to serve its African stakeholders through: - Education and professional development: provide The Institute for Security Studies (ISS), African Leadership Centre (ALC) and Fahamu successfully co-hosted a one-day brainstorming session on gender, peace and security in Africa. The resurgence of conflict in Africa after the Cold War is mostly worrisome and disturbing. Global Peace and Security Studies Minor. Introduction "China stands ready to take an active part in Africa's efforts in capacity-building for maintaining and strengthening peace and security and support Africa in its endeavors to speed up development, eradicate poverty and realize durable peace. It provides excellent training for future careers both inside and outside academia, training experts who can analyze The African continent is particularly conflict-prone and has hosted more than one fourth of global violent conflicts in the last years. Semester Two Courses. and official documents from the AU and the APSA on the shift from non-interference to non-indifference in Africa’s peace and security affairs. ucpqiu iudixn qgn nywq fjdupwv ubt jgylp erozk qhqgwcek grp ozng kevsew lddl drmpjp kpofln